Dear Economic Development Partners:
We are happy to announce that the Colorado Small Business Development Center (CSBDC), the Minority Business Office (MBO) and the Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) have entered into an agreement to work together in assisting companies and people seeking business and government procurement assistance. The following items were agreed upon:
The CSBDC will undertake the following services:
* Recognize PTAC as the partner on marketing materials and website
* Invite PTAC in SBDC trainings and conferences that have the need for procurement assistance
* Provide evaluations for CSBDC clients if applicable
* Have a PTAC partner (where possible) do a procurement workshop or series for CSBDC clients (partner TBD)
* Distribute a statewide press release announcing new partnership between PTAC and the CSBDC
* Participate and support PTAC small business PR efforts (where applicable)
* Refer SBDC clients to PTAC for government procurement counseling and assistance
PTAC will undertake the following services:
* Recognize SBDC and MBO as partners on marketing materials and website
* Invite SBDC and MBO to PTAC training events, panels, and other events to the maximum extent practical
* Have CSBDC and MBO provide a workshop for PTAC clients on their services
* Distribute a statewide press release announcing new partnership between CSBDC, PTAC and MBO
* Participate and support SBDC and MBO small business PR efforts (where applicable)
* Refer PTAC clients to SBDC and MBO for business-oriented counseling and training
* Refer PTAC clients to the MBO Directory
* Add MBO and CSBDC as co-sponsors (or appropriate SBDC network office) to PTAC panel series, outreach forums, and other similar events as applicable.
* Provide award results for clients referred to the PTAC by MBO and CSBDC.
* Participate in the CSBDC and MBO Statewide Advisory Boards.
MBO will provide the following services:
* Recognize PTAC as a partner on marketing materials and website
* Invite PTAC to conduct procurement trainings, panels, and other events to the maximum extent practical on
* Distribute a statewide press release announcing new partnership between CSBDC, PTAC and MBO
* Participate and support PTAC small business PR efforts
* Refer MBO clients to PTAC for government procurement and counseling assistance
Thank you,
Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade