The National Business Roundtable is an association of CEOs of top companies in the United States who are working together to promote sound public public and a thriving U.S. economy. The Colorado Business Roundtable joined this endeavor as a state affiliate in 2001. As such we were honored to host John Engler, President of the Business Roundtable as he visited Denver this week.
John Engler served three terms as the Governor of Michigan, during which time, he enacted tax cuts which saved the state's tax-payers $32 billion and helped create more that 800,000 new jobs, impressively lowering the unemployment rate. After sweeping changes in a troubled state, he served six years as president and CEO of the National Association of Manufacturers. Now as president of the Business Roundtable since 2011, Engler commits his experience with business and passion for improving education to help each state develop their workforce by building business through better-educated workers.
Learn more about the Business Roundtable and their mission by listening to this in-depth interview with Governor Engler, followed by reaction from Colorado Lieutenant Governor, Joe Garcia and other business and education leaders.
Later in the hour, we discuss ballot measure 1A, a referendum to allow for new development at Denver International Airport. Erik Hansen, an Adams County Commissioner joins us to explain the issue. In short, an intergovernmental agreement between the City of Denver and Adams county supports commercial development on 1,500 acres of land around the airport. To do so, Denver will contribute $10 million to Adams County Municipalities. The tax revenues from new businesses will evenly distributed between surrounding cities.
The 1A initiative will not require any new taxes, but will require voter approval from both Denver and Adams County voters.
Listen Saturday at 1:00 PM on 710 KNUS - Please let us know what you think of our program, either by commenting here or on our Colorado Business Roundtable Facebook page, or join the discussion on Twitter @ColoradoBRT