Chuck Blakeman is a successful entrepreneur, an internationally acclaimed speaker, weekly Inc. Magazine contributor, best-selling author and world-renowned business advisor who has built ten businesses in seven industries on four continents. His first book, Making Money is Killing Your Business was rated “#1 Business Book of the Year” by NFIB, the largest business owner association in America. And his most recent book, Why Employees are ALWAYS a Bad Idea has been named one of the “Top Ten Business Books of the Year”.
In this interview, we talk with Chuck about his 3 to 5 Club, where people who own businesses can form a community where they can ask questions, admit they don't know the answers, and ultimately inspire and support one another in pushing their businesses to a maturity date within three to five years. Meaning, the business can run itself while the owner takes time away, for new enterprises or simply a vacation.
Chuck also speaks about the Participation Age, referring to workers who want to be stakeholders in business, where their work is more a contribution than simply a source for a paycheck.
Listen to Connect & Collaborate LIVE at 4:00 on Denver's Money Talk 1690 AM.