Vote Yes on USMCA

Denver, CO- Colorado Business Roundtable is calling on all members of our congressional delegation to support Colorado businesses and workers by voting yes on United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).

“We view the modernization of our 25-year trade agreement with Canada and Mexico as the top priority for Colorado businesses. In 2018, Colorado businesses exported $2.7 billion dollars in goods and services with our closest neighbors alone, a number sure to increase with the signing of USMCA,” stated Jeff Wasden, President of Colorado Business Roundtable. “USMCA will expand access and opportunities, virtually tariff free with Mexico and Canada, that will fuel growth, higher wages, and innovation. Every trade aspect of USMCA has been modernized, creating a new gold standard for trade deals as it relates to e-commerce, digital trade, intellectual property protection, labor and environmental standards.”

USMCA specifically addresses Intellectual Property (IP) that provides strong and effective protection and enforcement of IP rights that are critical to driving innovation, creating economic growth, and supporting Colorado and American jobs.

One of the bipartisan victories reached in the Dispute Settlement chapter is a first-of-its-kind United States-Mexico Rapid Response Mechanism, providing for monitoring and expedited enforcement of labor rights to ensure effective implementation of Mexico’s landmark labor reforms. Similarly, USMCA has the most advanced, most comprehensive, highest-standard chapter on the environment of any trade agreement.

“USMCA will drive new opportunities for Colorado businesses, while improving all aspects of trade with Canada and Mexico. Significant improvements on digital trade, intellectual property, and opening access for small business will ensure Colorado’s agricultural products and processed meats, computers and electronics, manufactured products, and our service sector will thrive in the most business and labor friendly trade deal in our nation’s history” remarked Wasden. “We want every member of our Colorado delegation to make a powerful, bipartisan statement and come together and strongly support USMCA.”

The Colorado Business Roundtable is an advocate for proactive, pro-business legislation that strengthens the economy and allows businesses to grow and thrive in Colorado and the region.

To learn more about Colorado Business Roundtable, visit our website at or contact COO Lisa Gregg at [email protected]