Transportation is front and center in the minds of our legislators, business leaders, workforce, and families all across the state. A robust and well-maintained surface transportation network- including roads and bridges, public transit and rail systems- has been essential to America’s economic success and dynamism. Growing frustration continues to mount as bipartisan solutions have been elusive. Colorado’s population continues to swell and our congestion woes mount. Studies estimate traffic congestion cost Americans $124 billion, a number projected to rise to $185 billion by 2030. By 2030, the average American household is expected to incur traffic-related costs of $2,301 per year, a 33% increase compared to 2013.
Solutions have been caught up in partisan politics and differing interests. Various stakeholders have advanced ideas from specific ownership taxes, raising the gas tax, an increase in sales tax, and bonding among others. A bipartisan approach didn’t have the support of enough legislators last year to make it out of the legislature and on to voters. This year, SB-1 has been introduced, and once again, it appears to be destined to a similar partisan demise.
Colin Powell once stated, “Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand.” There is a solution, a path forward that will create a win for business, workers, and communities all across Colorado.
Industry and associations aligning ourselves behind competing measures have dampened our ability to ensure a successful solution with Colorado voters. Taking multiple initiatives to the ballot will create confusion, doubt and not generate the critical buy-in and support necessary for a successful answer to Colorado’s transit needs.
As leaders, we need to put forth the types of solutions that can be successful and help move Colorado forward. We owe it our constituents, members, workforce, and future generations to craft a solution that will garner bipartisan support and also voter enthusiasm -and votes-in November. While other solutions may exist, the Colorado Business Roundtable is putting forth the following proposal that combines the various stakeholder interests, addresses Colorado’s pressing issues, and provides a new, sustainable, and long-term funding source.
Colorado’s transportation solution should incorporate a two-pronged approach. First, pass SB-1 and use the benefits of bonding general fund dollars to provide direct relief for some of Colorado’s most urgent needs. Bonding will allow us to take advantage of low interest rates and today’s construction costs. While an important first step, it only addresses the 35% of the state’s transportation shortfall, necessitating a second step. At the appropriate time, we put forth a new, dedicated funding source that will provide critical O&M dollars and money for local transit projects, and communities. Coordinating the timing of ballot questions, combing resources and building a successful coalition should be the focus of a successful transportation system for Coloradans.
We have the leadership to get this accomplished. Unifying around a common, coordinated plan is not only the right approach, it is the only winning approach to provide Coloradans with an efficient, safe, and reliable transportation system. Fix Colorado Roads, with the support of ALL coalition stakeholders, can take the lead on bonding and the Denver Chamber and Coloradans for Coloradans collation, with support of ALL coalition stakeholders can continue to lead on new, sustainable funding source. We must align efforts, present a united front, and work together. That is indeed the Colorado way, and the right formula for this critical, economic imperative.
With thanks,
Jeff Wasden
President, Colorado Business Roundtable