Colorado Business Roundtable (COBRT) is honored to join Coloradans for Immigration Reform, the coalition of chambers of commerce and industry associations working towards bipartisan immigration reform. The formal launch was held on December 6, 2016 at Colorado Farm Bureau. Chad Vorthmann, Executive Vice President, Colorado Farm Bureau; Mizraim Cordero, Vice President of Governmental Affairs at the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce; and COBRT president Jeff Wasden addressed the need for immigration reform in order to having a thriving workforce and business climate.
The coalition grows as organizations driven by a strong economy continue to join. It includes:
- Asian Chamber of Commerce
- Associated Builders and Contractors Rocky Mountain Chapter
- Associated General Contractors of Colorado
- Colorado Business Roundtable
- Colorado Farm Bureau
- Colorado Hotel and Lodging Association
- Colorado Restaurant Association
- Colorado Competitive Council
- Colorado Dairy Farmers
- Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce
- Mountain West Credit Union Association
- Pro 15
- South Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce
Partnership for a New American Economy (PNAE) is a champion of bipartisan immigration reform, and they assist in the creation of such coalitions in every state. This coalition and recent event is a continuation in COBRT's involvement in immigration reform with PNAE. In August, COBRT hosted an event for the Reason for Reform campaign’s National Day of Action with U.S. Representative Jared Polis. Immigration Policy is one of COBRT's nine Key Issues in alignment with the national Business Roundtable (BRT). Jim McNernney of The Boeing Company, a BRT member, is a chair of PNAE.
Thank you to all the attendees and media who were able to attend. Check out the following media outlets for perspectives from the event:
- "Colorado business leaders advocate against mass deportations" by Emilie Rusch at The Denver Post
- "Business Leaders Join Together For Immigration Changes" by Sam Brasch on Colorado Public Radio
- "Colorado's agriculture and tourism industries need immigration reform, business leaders say" by Monica Mendoza at Denver Business Journal
- "Colorado’s economy would be hurt by mass deportations, business leaders say" by Adrian D. Garcia at