September is National Preparedness Month. Find this great information and more at Ready.Gov to ensure that you, your business and your loved ones are best-prepared for emergencies. From business continuity plans to vehicle safety kits, to shareable media and useful tips, you can find everything you need to be safe and successful.
Businesses can do much to prepare for the impact of the many hazards they face in today’s world including natural hazards like floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and widespread serious illness such as the H1N1 flu virus pandemic. Human-caused hazards include accidents, acts of violence by people and acts of terrorism. Examples of technology-related hazards are the failure or malfunction of systems, equipment or software.
Ready Business will assist businesses in developing a preparedness program by providing tools to create a plan that addresses the impact of many hazards. This website and its tools utilize an “all hazards approach” and follows the program elements within National Fire Protection Association 1600, Standard on Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity Programs. NFPA 1600 is an American National Standard and has been adopted by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
The five steps in developing a preparedness program are Program Management, Planning, Implementation, Testing and Exercises, and Program Improvement. Find out more about the five steps here.
Business Quadfold Brochure
- "Prepare For Emergencies Now; Information for Businesses" (PDF)
This download is a two-sided, four-color quad-fold document.
Ready Business Poster
A full color poster with a brief description pertaining to business preparedness
- Ready Business Poster (PDF)
Business Continuity Plan
A business continuity plan that includes recovery strategies to overcome the disruption of business should be developed.
- Business Continuity Plan (PDF)
Business Impact Analysis Worksheet
A business impact analysis (BIA) predicts the consequences of disruption of a business function and process and gathers information needed to develop recovery strategies.
Continuity Resource Worksheet
Business continuity impact analysis identifies the effects resulting from disruption of business functions and processes. It also uses information to make decisions about recovery priorities and strategies.
Emergency Response Plan
Plans to protect people, property and the environment should be developed. Plans should include evacuation, sheltering in place and lockdown as well as plans for other types of threats identified during the risk assessment.
- Emergency Response Plan (PDF)
Emergency Response Plan Resources
Resources are needed for all phases of preparing your business including prevention/deterrence, mitigation, emergency response, business continuity, crisis communications and disaster recovery.
Insurance Discussion Coverage Form
Inadequate insurance coverage can lead to a major financial loss if your business is damaged, or operations are interrupted for a period of time.
Program Coordinator Committee Worksheet
Key employees should be organized as a program committee that will assist in the development, implementation and maintenance of the preparedness program.
Risk Assessment Table
Consider the different types of disasters that could impact your company and the likelihood that they might occur.
- Risk Assessment Table (PDF)