Republished from Moms Fight Back
Moms Fight Back is a community of 40,000+ powerful and passionate Coloradoans who are coming together, online and in their own neighborhoods across the state, to work together on the most pressing issues facing our kids today. For nearly two years Moms Fight Back has worked at a grassroots level, mobilizing moms on the ground, and online, to discuss and work toward real solutions to issues like bullying, school safety, drug use, teen sexual assault and more.
In order to better communicate with the leadership of our beautiful state of Colorado, Moms Fight Back has polled Colorado moms on a number of issues and asked for their input and insight into what matters most.
Moms Fight Back is now releasing the report to the Governor of Colorado, leaders in the state legislature, the community-at-large as well as the media in the hope that the information will be taken for what it is – the beginning of a very important conversation with those who are truly the heart and soul of Colorado’s families – and who are the first line of defense when it comes to our kids.
Moms Fight Back, committed to maintaining a constant pulse on the most important issues facing Colorado’s families, will utilize the information gained through the survey in 2017 to focus on several vital issues that we know are keeping moms up at night – school safety, child abuse, teen substance abuse, and teen sexual assault. Moms Fight Back aims to address each critical issue in the context of how it impacts a child’s life at home and at school, as well as how these issues can and should be addressed through the legislative and judicial systems.
The report, presented by Moms Fight Back, and entitled The State of the State 2016: From Colorado’s Moms to Colorado’s Leaders CAN BE DOWNLOADED HERE. The report is available for download, distribution, and republication in part or whole, with copyright reserved to Moms Fight Back.