Key Take-Aways
- SMWSA Master Plan shows tremendous progress transitioning to renewable water
- South Metro region now a state leader in conservation, efficiency and reuse
- Hecox: ‘More to be done, but there is no question we are on the right path’
Greenwood Village, Colo. –- The South Denver Metro region has made tremendous progress securing a sustainable water future over the past 12 years thanks to aggressive efforts to conserve water, maximize efficiency and invest in renewable water supplies, according to the results of the 2016 South Metro Water Supply Authority (SMWSA) Master Plan Update, released on August 9, 2016.
“A remarkable transformation is happening in the South Metro region,” said James Eklund, director of the state's water agency and architect of Colorado's Water Plan. “Colorado's Water Plan calls for innovative water management and this study demonstrates how this important region is transitioning to a more sustainable water supply.”
The report, produced by SMWSA and its technical consultant, CH2M, is the most definitive study of water demand and supplies of the region in nearly a decade.
“The study confirms our region’s tremendous progress toward securing a sustainable water future,” said Eric Hecox, executive director of SMWSA. “There is more to be done, but there is no question we are on the right path.”
Historically many communities in the region relied on nonrenewable groundwater from the Denver Basin Aquifer system for much of their water supply. For some, it was their only water supply as recently as 12 years ago. The significant decline in groundwater levels was unsustainable and threatened to undermine the region’s economic vitality and overall quality of life.
Recognizing the challenge, water providers joined forces in 2004 to create SMWSA and develop a plan. The result of that work to date is outlined in the Master Plan update:
- Transition to renewable water: In 2004, less than half of the region’s water supply came from renewable sources. By 2020, more than three-fourths (78 percent) of the region’s water supply will come from renewable water supplies, according to the study. This marks a significant transformation of the region’s water supply. By 2065, a full 85 percent of the region’s supplies will come from renewable sources, according to the study. Notably, this progress is being made despite a projected 130 percent increase in total water demand over the same period.
- Investment in renewable water projects: This transition to renewable water is the result of a number of regional projects that communities throughout the region have invested in, including WISE, the Chatfield Reallocation Project, Reuter Hess Reservoir, the ACCWA/ECCV Northern Project, Castle Rock’s Plum Creek Water Purification Facility and many more.
- Leading in conservation: The South Metro region has established itself as a leader in conservation and water stewardship with some of the strongest and most effective conservation efforts of any region in the state. Per capita water demand in the region decreased by 30 percent since 2000. The region now boasts among the lowest consumption rates in the state.
- Maximizing efficiency: SMWSA and its members are maximizing water efficiency by reusing water to the fullest extent possible.
“This is tremendous progress given the immense water challenges the region faced just 12
years ago,” said Mike Fitzgerald, president and CEO of the Denver South Economic
Development Partnership. “We are on a path to a secure and sustainable water supply, which is
critical to maintaining our region’s excellent quality of life and economic vitality for future
More Work Ahead
While the region is on track to meet projected demand as far out as 2065, more work is needed to ensure that happens, Hecox said.
Future possible projects and plans include adding new supply and storage, groundwater
management, conservation and efficiency.
“We must execute on current plans, continue our conservation efforts, build our renewable
supplies and maximize what we have through reuse,” Hecox said. “If we continue the course,
we will deliver on our promise of a secure water future for the region.”
About South Metro Water Supply Authority (SMWSA)
The South Metro Water Supply Authority is a regional water authority comprised of 13 water
provider members that collectively serve about 80 percent of the population of Douglas County and 10 percent of Arapahoe County. SMWSA was established in 2004 to develop and execute a plan to provide a secure and sustainable water future for the region.
Through increased negotiating power and collaborative support for new projects, SMWSA is
transforming the region’s water supply and creating a sustainable future for generations to
come. For more information, visit:
Media Contact:
Russ Rizzo
[email protected]