Colorado Business Roundtable President Jeff Wasden recently spoke to the New Mexico State Chamber regarding the importance of early childhood education and the business case for making these critical investments.
Study after study show a compelling case that early investments in our youth is the best return on investment we can make in education. Ensuring all students enter school with the right skills and tools to learn show dramatic results-lessened cases of grade retention, less drop out, higher graduation rates, less cases of special education needs, and lowered risk for juvenile delinquency and arrest.
Students without a quality early childhood program can already enter kindergarten up to 30% behind their peers. The United States spends significantly less than other industrialized nations and then there are some that cannot make the correlation behind why our students are scoring lower in math, science and reading than other nations. “Ensuring all students have access to a quality early childhood program will create a larger pool of educated, qualified workers entering the job market and allow business to continue to innovate and prosper and remain competitive in this increasing competitive global market,” states Wasden.
To learn more about why early childhood education is good business, visit ReadyNation, a national organization that understands good schools is good business.