PRESS RELEASE - DENVER - Fri., Aug. 28, 2015 - After extensive review and collaboration with local communities and the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT), the Colorado Economic Development Commission has approved 14 Enterprise Zones to be effective Jan. 1, 2016.
The 14 Enterprise Zones are:
Central and Southern Jefferson County, Larimer County, Mesa County, North Metro, North-East-Central, Northwest, Pikes Peak, Pueblo, Region 10, South Metro, Southeast Central, Southwest, and Weld County. Zone maps can be found at
Enterprise Zones encourage business development in areas of economic distress. Businesses in the zones are eligible for state income tax credits when they create new jobs, invest in business property and job training, and other development activities encouraged under the program. Program information is available at
Local representatives and Enterprise Zone administrators worked to evaluate their communities, identify areas of economic distress, and distill objectives for those areas. The administrators will be focusing on fulfilling the stated objectives for these designated areas in the years ahead.
Proposals for Adams County and Denver are still in review and are expected to be approved in October.