Throughout last week Colorado Business Roundtable has announced some of our finalists for the Collaboration in Industry Awards. Please join me in saying Congratulations to the finalists in these seven categories!
Aerospace Category: Lockheed Martin, Space Foundation, and USAF Space and Missle Systems Center
Education & Workforce Category: Colorado State University-Global Campus, Colorado Succeeds, Junior Achievement, and The Alliance for the Development of Additive Processing Technology
Energy Category: Vital for Colorado, Denver Petroleum Club & CU-Denver Global Energy Management Program, and Clean Energy Collective
Financial Services Category: JPMorgan Chase, ACG, and FirstBank
Government & Economic Development Category: City of Denver, EDCC & OEDIT, and Denver Regional Councils of Governments
Technology Category: IBM, Colorado Technology Foundation, and Center for Technology, Research and Commercialization (C-TRAC)
Tourism & Outdoor Recreation Category: The Historic Hot Springs Loop, Colorado Tourism Office/Colorado Tourism Industry, and Cabela's
Look for next week's newsletter to find out the finalists in the other categories or check Colorado Business Roundtable's social media everyday to see the announcement of new finalists.