In the Colorado 2018 election cycle, more than $82 million was donated to independent expenditure committees (IEC’s), Colorado’s version of SuperPAC’s. These are committees that can raise and spend unlimited amounts of money to support or oppose, political candidates and ballot initiatives. Of that $82 million, more than 75% came in donations of $100,000 or more with 80% originating from ‘dark money’ sources hard to trace.
Join Secretary of State Griswold for a discussion about recent legislative action in the 2019 Colorado General Assembly on campaign finance and disclosure reform.
Learn how:
Corporations that spend money in support of, or against, ballot initiatives will be affected by the move towards greater transparency.
Disclosure of IEC spending might impact both voter behavior and elected officials when making policy.
A more transparent political system helps create a more stable and competitive economic system.
Elections are the cornerstone of our republic. Knowing who’s seeking to influence election outcomes helps to curtail the perception of corruption and is essential to voter confidence in our democracy. Secretary Griswold’s office played a key role in promoting passage of several key bills in the recently concluded legislative session.
Join Colorado Business Roundtable and Business for America in welcoming Colorado’s 39th Secretary of State Jena Griswold. Raised in Estes Park, Ms. Griswold was elected in November 2018 on a platform of increased campaign funding transparency and shoring up the state’s election system against cyber-attack.