Chamber of the Americas
Chamber of the Americas Foundation
El Pomar Foundation
Global Chamber of Denver
Grupo Cisneros Internacional
United Airlines
Wells Fargo
Join a Unique Opportunity to partake in a Town Hall Announcement
Chamber of the Americas has been named a member of OPIC’s Partners Program! Small and Medium-Sized Businesses Interested in Expanding into Developing Markets… Hear Directly from Dr. Spinelli about OPIC’s Products and Services to help U.S. Companies…
Access International Business Opportunities
Welcome… Gilberto (Gil) Cisneros, Chairman and CEO,Chamber of the Americas
Mr. Cisneros is committed to economic empowerment and justice and is the driving force of COTA in its mission to build and cultivate strong relationships among member and nonmember individuals and organizations, in order to facilitate trade and investment that strengthen local economies and foster a spirit of harmony, social and economic justice, and cohesiveness in the Western Hemisphere.
Special Guest: Rosemary Rodriguez, Senior Advisor to Senator Michael Bennet.
Opening Statement… Dr. David Conde, President of North America, COTA
Dr. Conde is a senior consultant to COTA bringing 32 years of experience in developing and conducting international programs in Europe, Mexico, Central and South America in the public and private sectors. In addition, he currently serves as President of the Board of Directors of East Migrant Head Start Project with 40 education centers for migrant children in 14 states along the east coast and the south.
Keynote...Dr. Lawrence Spinelli, Director of Outreach and Public Affairs at OPIC.
Dr. Spinelli is responsible for all public diplomacy activities, including outreach and business development, and he serves as OPIC’s Overseas Private Investment Corporation liaison to a wide array of business organizations and government agencies in the United States and throughout the world. Dr. Spinelli launched OPIC’s Expanding Horizons program in 2006 which organizes seminars and workshops throughout the United States for small businesses, he created and manages OPIC’s Partners Program and he serves as chairman of OPIC’s Business Development HUB. In 2009, Dr. Spinelli was selected to serve as OPIC’s Acting President and CEO, a position he held for over eighteen months making him the longest serving acting president in the history of the agency. Dr. Spinelli was awarded a Certificate of Special Congressional Recognition in 2013 for his “outstanding efforts in connecting U.S. businesses with emerging markets.”
Moderator & Closing Statement…Tony Bottagaro, Chief Operating Officer, COTA
Tony is Special Advisor to COTA on National and International Affairs - Seasoned Executive - Acclaimed Speaker - Bestselling Author Award-Winning Film Producer and Narrator – Playwright and Stage Performer as “Mario the Peddler”. For over 35 years, he has taken his message of "a world more human and more divine", across diverse ideologies, including the US Congress, the United Nations and an audience with Pope John Paul II at the Vatican.
When: Wednesday, May 17, 2017
Time: 12:00–1:30 pm
Location: The Palm Restaurant
at the Westin Tabor Center
1672 Lawrence Street, Denver, Colorado 80202
Please RSVP by completing the form below and email to: [email protected]
Participation fee: $35.00. Pay at the door: $50.00; no shows will be billed. Cancellation Policy: 24 hours before theevent. Advanced payment is appreciated.
Valet Parking is complimentary.
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Sponsorship Opportunity:
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To: Chamber of the Americas:
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$500.00 sponsorship entitles you to:
Table of ten at the function.
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