Please join Colorado Business Roundtable for the State of Higher Education Forum on April 11th, 2019 from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM at History Colorado.
Join us as we hear from leaders in the higher education industry discuss their successful business partnerships, changes that need to happen in order to be more nimble and agile, how higher education is meeting the needs of the industry, and what is the value proposition for students.
Bruce Benson will share his reflections and lessons learned from his distinguished tenure as President of University of Colorado. The Colorado's Department of Higher Education Executive Director, Angie Paccione will give a presentation on how Colorado schools compare to the nation.
The panel will include Chancellor Rebecca Chopp of University of Denver, President Janine Davidson of Metropolitan State University Denver, Chancellor Dorothy Horrell of University of Colorado and Chancellor Joe Garcia of Colorado Community College System.
The Agenda:
11:30 am - Registration, networking and lunch service
12:00 pm - Welcoming remarks
12:10 pm - Bruce Benson
12:25 pm - Angie Paccione
12:40 pm - Panel begins
1:25 pm - Closing comments
Cost is $65 for early bird tickets and $75 for tickets bought after March 8th, 2019..