Journey to the Top C-Suite Series
Join us for candid and authentic discussions with Colorado CEOs from a variety of industries. Learn from their experience as these chief executive officers share their personal story of how they forged their path forward, stumbled a little on the way, found their voice, broke the mold and catapulted their career. This program features a CEO presentation, an intimate fireside chat with the CEO guest, Q&A session from the audience and a fantastic networking opportunity with chef-prepared appetizers and a cash bar.
Featured Speaker - Steve White, President of Comcast - West Division
Steve White currently serves as the president of Comcast – West Division. In this role, he is the senior executive responsible for all Comcast cable operations in Arizona, California, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Minnesota, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington, Utah, Texas, Idaho and Wisconsin. He leads nearly 28,000 (internal and external) employees and serves more than nine million customers, driving annual revenue of nearly $17 billion.