Colorado Compact 2019: The Critical Need for Immigration Modernization
Friday, June 28, 2019
11:30 am to 1:00 pm
St. Cajetan’s, 101 Lawrence Way, Denver, CO 80204
Hosted by Metro State University President, Janine Davidson, we would like to invite you to join us June 28th from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm at St. Cajetans on MSU Denver's campus to discuss the Colorado Compact. We will be hearing from Keynote Speaker Senator Michael Bennet followed by a panel of key industry representatives.
The Colorado Compact on Immigration was a bipartisan effort in 2012 to support common sense immigration reform principles. The effort was driven by the business community along with academic, faith, law enforcement and community stakeholders who came together over a period of several months to collaborate on a set of principles to drive the conversation in Congress. Now, with unemployment hovering near zero in many parts of Colorado, workforce needs have reached a critical mass and too many Colorado companies are faced with the prospect of shutting their doors because they can’t get workers. This year we are working with the original supporters from 2012, along with new voices across Colorado to expand the Compact and build a strong coalition of business leaders to advocate for real solutions to our outdated immigration system.
We have a great opportunity to show that Colorado is above partisan politics and set the tone nationally by supporting the principles the business community stood behind when the Colorado Compact was first released in 2012. This year, we are working with New American Economy in coordination with Colorado Business Roundtable on the Colorado Compact expansion. New American Economy is a bipartisan coalition of business and political leaders from all 50 states who believe that immigration is critical to our country's ability to grow and compete in a global economy. The Colorado Business Roundtable COBRT, the state affiliate of the National Business Roundtable (BRT), is the premier advocate for proactive, pro-business legislation that strengthens the economy and allows businesses to grow and thrive in Colorado and the region.
Please contact Joy Athanasiou at 303-667-1816 or [email protected] if you have any questions.