The Third Annual Colorado Fruit & Vegetable Growers Association Conference is a gathering of Colorado produce growers, companies/organizations serving the industry and individuals with an interest in produce and healthy eating.
Keynote addresses will focus on consumer marketing trends, food safety and the annual CFVGA business meeting..Afternoon breakout sessions will include grower/buyer networking, as well as hot topics within the areas of labor, nutrition, business development and production/research.
For conference schedule, speaker bios, links to reserve lodging and other details: REGISTER NOW to attend this exciting conference!
A conference display booth is a fantastic opportunity to put your goods and services before Colorado's fruit & vegetable growers. 2017 CFVGA Sponsors and non-sponsor exhibitors wishing to have a display booth must first complete the Request for Exhibitor Space form, which can be found at or by requesting it at [email protected]. 2017 Sponsors have until Jan. 10 to confirm their participation before exhibitor space is opened to non-sponsors. Confirm space availablity by completing and submitting this form.
If you are registering for the conference on or after Feb. 17, we cannot guarantee your lunch choice or even that lunch will be available to you, as these numbers will have already been turned in to the hotel.
FSMA Produce Safety Rule Training Option Feb 20:
Monday Feb 20, the day before the conference, CFVGA will be hosting a FSMA Produce Safety Rule training required for one person from each farm subject to compliance with the Produce Safety Rule. Registration details pending. Registration closes February 16. Max seating is 40 people. Includes lunch.